Be a part of the Sunshine Coast 2032 community. There will be many ways to be part of our journey towards Brisbane 2032 and make the most of the opportunity the Games brings for all Queenslanders.

We’ve already asked for your hopes and dreams for Brisbane and Queensland hosting the Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2032 – and nearly 14,000 ideas shone through.

Not sure where to start? Subscribe for updates below and we’ll keep you in the loop as planning progresses.


Sunshine Coast 2032 Workshop Forum
Today at Sunshine Coast University over 200 highly
engaged Sunshine Coast locals gathered at the University
of the Sunshine Coast to brainstorm opportunities and
challenges for the region as the countdown to the 2032
Olympic Games commences.

Fairfax Federal MP Ted O’Brien launched the new Board
and Team leads who will drive the project to ensure that
the community, businesses and athletes maximise the
opportunities that will come from hosting the Games.

Sunshine Coast 2032 Launch Event
Sunshine Coast community and business leaders,
elected and government representatives, Olympians and
Paralympian’s joined with Sunshine Coast 2032 Board,
Advisory and Committee members this morning at
University of the Sunshine Coast Innovation Centre for the
unveiling of our brand and strategy, highlighted by the ‘voice
of our youth’ panel to hear what is important to our next
generation. Our young panelists shared their aspirations and
vision for a future world they want to see and enlightened
us to what the possibilities might be. It was inspiring and

Sunshine Coast 2032 is a community led and driven team
dedicated to ensuring the Sunshine Coast maximises
opportunities in the lead-up to, during and after the
Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

The brand that sits behind the vision of what is possible
tells our region’s unique story with many hands coming
together for the betterment of our community to celebrate
our diverse community and elevate their aspirations for
our region. Created by Ben Mathieson of BrandGrowth in
consultation with Kerry Neill Triballink it captures the heart
of Vision 2032.



As the Games get closer, there will be many opportunities for businesses to get involved and ensure they can benefit from the once-in-a-lifetime chance to be part of the biggest event on Earth. We will be connecting businesses with information, stakeholders, athletes and each other.

More information will be added over time…but for now, please follow the links below to the relevant Queensland Government websites:


For just $1,000 for our Foundation Year of 2024/25, join us as a Foundation Sponsor. Your support and commitment will be critical to our success.

Your sponsorship will be proudly showcased and acknowledged by SC2032, and we encourage you to promote your sponsorship as appropriate.

This is an exciting time for the Sunshine Coast, and we hope you will join us on this journey. Please send us an email on [email protected]


We are excited to announce we will have new positions to fill in 2024.

Please email us at [email protected] if you’re interested to join the team.

We look forward to hearing from you!